Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mayor Moron, Get Your House in Order

I'm not sure is this is under the direct purview of the esteemed Mayor of New York, but it certainly should be if it isn't.

I was driving down the West Side Highway at 9:25 AM on my way to an appointment in the city at 10:00 AM. Traffic was very slow southbound past 125th Street, where it usually opens up. So I figured there was an accident, or that idiot performance artist with the fruit on his head was out again.

No, this was even better, there was a construction truck in the left lane, and they were MOWING THE GRASS in the median! During RUSH HOUR. Does the mayor and his various departments absolutely not give a darn about the drivers, workers and residents of the City?? I wonder.

The fruit guy should be arrested every time he is out as well, since he also snarls up the traffic, but at least he doesn't work for the city. Why can't they schedule the mowing for, say 11 AM to 3 PM, when it would cause the lease damage to traffic and people's ability to get to work and make money to pay the taxes which pay for the mowing?

I reiterate my previous position, eventually we will be down to one resident, hizzoner hisself.

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