Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Whats Shaking?

An interesting thing happened today. I work in a twelve story commercial building in Brooklyn. In the area where I am, it is by far the tallest building. I was sitting at my desk, holding my head in my hands as I read something, when I felt myself getting woozy. It was really more of a slight side to side motion, so I thought it must be because of the way I was sitting. However, upon changing position, the swaying continued.

I thought maybe I was dancing, but I looked down and my feet weren't moving.

Now this is an old, concrete building that really shouldn't be doing the rumba on its own. I didn't hear whooshing wind or a plane, so it couldn't be that. Really pretty nerve wracking, as I am pretty high up. I immediately longed for my old office, ground floor, one story.

Everyone here, after dithering about, decided to check and see if anyone else reported tremors of some kind. Turns out this big earthquake in Canada is being felt down the Eastern seaboard (or at least in Brooklyn.)

Typical damn Canadians. And I can't even blame Bloomberg for this one.

1 comment:

Dipsy said...

Someone told me we could also feel the effects of the canadian earthquake here in the midwest. I guess if you are up 12 stories things get a bit shakier. I didn't feel a thing