Sunday, January 30, 2011

Choose Life!

which do you prefer?


WOLFMAN said...

I definitely prefer life and the verdant greens and buds of spring. But i cant help feeling the sense of excited anticipation when I consider the Winter wasteland picture and realize how much more verdant and luscious the spring will be after the lawns and tress have feasted on all that moisture all and snowy protection all winter long.

Dipsy said...

admittedly the lush summer picture is more colorful and when compared to the winter you really see that everything does look black and a bit dead, but.....there is something wonderful about the winter too.
Standing in the pristine snow with the trees covered in sparkling white fluff, feeling the hush of the world around you when you can actually hear the snow falling. Or shoveling outside in the evening when every breath makes you feel invigorated and the outside lights make the whole world sparkle and you can't believe this is all real because it so beautiful and amazing.
Every season gets tired after a while and I love that we get to experience all 4 of them. I cant imagine skipping any one of the seasons, they all seem to highlight Life!

MBB said...

I like it cold and snowy.