Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Waffle Quest Continues

After many protests from my tasters that the original recipe for the Quest for the Perfect Waffle (please note: now, since it is capitalized, it is officially a Quest, and no longer an Obsession) was the best, i decided to go back to it, just to be sure that they weren't fondly remembering the initial experience with rose colored taste buds.

So on Sunday I called Soupeater ( I need to mention him, since he hasn't written in a while and I don't want you all to forget him) and told him I was gonna mix up a batch of the original fat free recipe.

I used regular flour instead of whole wheat ( since I was out) and tried to make the yeast work,to give it a bit of lightness ( it didn't) and cooked up the batch.

We served it right, with ice cream, syrup (pancake AND chocolate) and a maraschino cherry. Here is a pic, with Soupeater's ( waffleeaters?) hand about to take the monumental bite and pass judgment.

The judgment? Needs work.

The others? Fond memories are sometimes just that was the basic concensus.

Back to the drawing board, or the store to just buy some.


FBB said...

That picture is beautiful, needs some whipped cream to achieve masterpiece status!

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

Keep in mind everything you see is fat free. I am not sure there is a fat free whip cream.

Bug said...

it was actually pretty good, just not as good as cafe rimon's which is what we are striving for. anyone who is in Israel should definitely get a belgain waffle from them. a word to the wise: don't order as a dessert its filling enough to be a meal.

FBB said...

I was just checking the blog, with Cheese eater next to me, and as I scrolled down looking at comments, she shouted "Yum!" when she saw the picture!