Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011

Well, it is a secular New Year, and the world uses this time to "turn over a new leaf" and do some introspection followed by resolutions to better oneself.

I ( and many of my readers, I am sure) tend to do this at the Jewish New Year a few months back. However, as the numbers reset for blogs for the years, I think it would be good to take this opportunity to look back and forward a bit here too.

Recently, in case you haven't noticed, this blog has focused quite a bit on food ( or ONE food, to be sure) and the politics tend to rant about one person in particular.

That will probably not change in the foreseeable future, as we still have not attained the perfect recipe that will have my tasters and eaters exclaiming in delight over the heavenly taste of my waffles. Furthermore, as the pompous jackwagon (donkey) masquerading as a mayor has three (gasp! help us) more years of abuse to heap on us, that probably won't change much either.

However, I do resolute the following:

I will try to be funnier so that you don't get bored. Although I usually think I am at the epitome of humor.

I will not write exclusively about waffles, every now and then, there will be other posts. I am thinking of getting into making sushi.

Unless the Moron resigns. no bets on laying off him.

I will try not to fight too often with other blogs.

Comments will be posted with all due alacrity. Subject to my being near my computer or my phone being charged, on, and me remembering to check it.

Now, for you people, a little more interaction would be wonderful. Just no anonymous.


rabbim said...

If you come visit , I know a guy who makes great sushi and is willing to teach you!

wolfman said...

you do realize that your attacks on the mayor of a city where you dont reside and hence have no say at all in his reign is actually an attack on those that do and who presumably put him there. ( which i did twice but not once he proved himself to be a two faced self serving weasel who rode roughshod over the people and then turned around and kicked them in the pants - I dont remember if you touched on hidishonors about face on term limits and the number of terms he deemed appropriate for the mayor and council of my fine city)

Don't you?

Dipsy said...

i for one can't figure out why he got voted back in in the first place after completely negating the voters say on term limits and insisting that they be upheld to get himself into office in the first place?? how was that even legal?

and Dr. I always enjoy your posts.