Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do They Use Blood in Tea?

What was a blood libel? It was the hysterical knee jerk reaction to something horrible, where the blame was erroneously but deliberately placed against the "usual suspects" with actions them taken against the accused knowing the basis for the claim had NOTHING to do with them.

Now lets see how this plays out. A horrific shooting by an unstable mentally sick individual. The liberal press immediately claims it is the work of an "extremist" (extreme what is not said, just assumed that he is a tea partyer, since there is a gun involved). Then the fault is squarely put at the feet of the Tea Party movement since their rhetoric is SOOOOO inflammatory.

Of course, the entire line of reasoning was so much nonsense, since it was the sick mind of the shooter that prompted his actions, nothing else.

However, once this was correctly compared to a blood libel based on the way it snowballed with blame placed without facts or logic, all the liberal left wing Jews, who always try their hardest to distance themselves from their brethren and G-d, are suddenly outraged and oppressed Jews.

It's disgusting to see. These Jews should be ashamed of themselves. Stop demonizing Sarah Palin, that is what the blood libels did, demonized the Jews. If Mrs. Palin was Jewish, (and NOT a conservative) she would be lauded for her sensitivity and ability to see this unwarranted attack on her for what it is.

Besides, her name IS Sarah..., who knows?


FBB said...

I think it is disingenuous to say that it is so off the mark to think this wasn't spurred on by rhetoric.

To pretend that the political discourse in this country is not at a point where people could go to extreme lengths to right a perceived wrong seems way out of touch with what is going on. Does that mean that the leaders or media personalities who are doing the talking are trying to achieve these goals? No, not at all, and they should not be silenced, but they should think a little about how they say certain things, and what icons they put over congressional districts when the representatives of those districts vote a certain way.

When we believe in certain elements of a party or movement, that does not mean that all things within the party or movement are right, and it would be intellectually dishonest to think they are. When we blindly follow party line, we are not Democrats or Republicans, but sheeple, thinking what the leaders or media personalities tell us to. This is true for both sides. An issue comes up, and we respond in a knee jerk fashion without taking the time to think if we really feel that way in the particular situation. It's like you have to check the checklist of reaction.

Oh, and Sarah Palin is a pandering nincompoop, who, if she weren't conservative you would vilify at every opportunity and would give you much fodder for a certain other blog. She needs to go away, and if she runs in 2012, woe is to all of us.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

The editors of this blog do not take responsibility for the content of posted comments of readers, especially if they put this disclaimer after them.

that being said, it is fortunatethat I can post without reading comments, which I chose to do with the above rant. I did skim it for overly offense, and found none. I read the first and last sentences, and wish to say that political discourse in this country has always been vicious, and both parties are equally responsible, or neither party is, you can't have it both ways.

However, the press has deliberately demonized the tea party and anyone affiliated with it, something we haven't seen since, Oh, Bush II, Bush I , Reagan, etc. basically, anyone who is popular with the people and doesn't have a left wing agenda.

As for Sarah Palin, you, my dear, obviously believe everything you read and hear in the press. Let me make one point. The woman was villified for writing three words on her hand. Three words that were the basis for a speech of 20-30 minutes without other notes. This is as opposed to our Dear Leader, who, if the teleprompter goes dark, he starts stuttering like a '64 Chevy with a clogged carberetor, so tell me who the pandering nincompoop is?

FBB said...

I think you need to do a little more research

Dipsy said...

I am appalled at the direction the aftermath of this shooting spree is taking. Other than that it unfortunately took place at a political event there is NOTHING to indicate it was politically motivated and the jumping to conclusions and blaming that is going on is truly terrible. Not every bad event has to end with someone to blame. As to political discourse being more vicious these days...anyone who says that has a poor knowledge of political history.
I also am bothered by the way our government has responded to this tragedy specifically compared to the Fort Hood shooting spree. I don't remember our President showing up for those memorial services and there being an hour long televised speech about the horrors of that one. And in that case the shooter was not mentally ill but deliberately vicious (and political in his own way! which the government knew about and wished away!!)