Friday, July 24, 2009

And when they came for me...

I can be silent no longer.

As much as that statement may seems a little strange, considering I do a fair amount of pontificating and ranting herein, I am referring specifically to our esteemed commander in chief, who has truly shown himself to be the First Jackass.

Forget what I read in a magazine that-shall-not be named, that his AG is thinking of prosecuting the Bush Administration for "excessive torture tactics", which is by itself a most dangerous precedent for any President to set, in that it would severely compromise the ability of all future presidents to effectively do their job, if they knew that as soon as their party was out of power, all their staffers and perhaps the president as well would be subject to criminal charges by a partisan which hunt.

And let us further put aside the Socialist leading to Communist plans of this administration with regards to health care. Nationalization of health care has never worked for any other country, so why shouldn't we ram it through Congress here? What really ticks me off is the statement of TFJ that he won't sign it if it will increase the deficit. How absolutely disingenuous. I assume taxing the hell out of the remaining people in this country who still have jobs and businesses doesn't count. But when they lose their jobs and businesses, and the government has to pay with unemployment benefits, stimulus money, and lost tax revenues, how does that not increase the budget? Beats me. But then again, I am not as smart as the genius we have in the White House, but I digress.

Well, with all that being put aside, as well as all the other issues, the part that I cannot get past today is the most powerful man in the world has shown the entire world just how absolutely petty and stupid he is, to make a comment on a local matter concerning one arrest, without having all the facts, and in the process demeaning and insulting the people who are charged with protecting us, the police. ( Another post on the silliness of the entire issue later.)

Now those of you who know me know that I am not a big fan of police in general, and I sincerely believe that they have a tendency to abuse their power, but nevertheless, you would think that a president would not get involved in something so silly.

Obviously, the overriding agenda of TFJ is to foster racial hatred in this country, something that the country itself showed it is trying to move beyond by electing him. Not for him. He has continued his agenda to completely destabilize this country, financially, racially, economically, and militarily.

How long before the left wing press realizes that they cannot cover for him anymore?


related said...

a bit caustic but unfortunately right on target

Tormod Svergensen said...

I too, disagree with most of Obama's opinions. However, I disagree with your insulting characterization of the president. We would never say such things in my country.

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

Tormod, it sounds like you must have just gotten here, since the mainstream press, late night media, and many other published outlets had been saying a lot worse for the 8 years before this January.

I actually tempered it. Without a teleprompter two things are apparent, the true agenda is danferouslyclose to communism, and off the cuff, the slick, packaged facade falls away and we have the naked emperor.

Tormod Svergensen said...

I did not agree with the constant public attempts to humiliate your previous president, either. I am aware of these things. You Americans are funny, with your with your ability to express yourselves so freely. In many ways, I find it refreshing.
My people tend to be more reserved.

jill said...

Tormod, do your people live on this planet?

Tormod Svergensen said...

Yes, we are citizens of Earth.