Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sap and Fade

The current debate about "climate change" revolves around control of carbon emissions (read fossil fuel particulates) since there really isn't anything else that has been identified as humanly produced causes for the apparent warming of the planet. Climate change as an idea has created a worldwide hysteria far surpassing the hysteria over swine flu. In the american debate, industry and its supporters are claiming carbon control will lead to permanent injury to the industrial foundations of the nation and supporters of carbon control are claiming that lack of control will cause irreparable worldwide disaster.

I recently heard Henry Waxman state that he thinks industry is exaggerating the costs and results of his carbon control bill.On the program I listened to (NPR of course) corresponding claims that environmentalists are exaggerating the results of doing nothing about carbon emissions were completely absent.

I think this point needs to be stressed in the ongoing debate. I think it is no accident that the same forces which proclaim that carbon emissions are warming the planet also claim that these emissions are causing more frequent storms. In fact, it seems that every force of nature that historically has generally been considered to be the exclusive purvue of G-d is now considered to be controllable by human beings. This explains the impetus behind environmentalism. The desire by atheistic individuals to deny the power of G-d in the world translates into a philosophy that puts humans in charge and incidentally gives the movement's leaders the political power which is their ultimate goal.

1 comment:

Dipsy said...

I have long thought of environmentalism as a religion of sorts particularly for those who are lacking religious conviction in the first place. You actually explain the reason behind its becoming a religion very well. That many want to feel that there is no stronger force in the world than humans. It is very scary to some to think that there are things beyond our control and that there is a G-D who is in charge of Everything. If they can convince themselves and others that as humans we are in complete control of our environment than we would not have to answer to something more important (or spiritual)than ourselves.
Try blaming the next earthquake on Al Gore and his private planes and see how much they want to take responsibility.