Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brooklyn moves Upstate

What is it with lack of courtesy and shopping carts? Do people have a genetic disposition to become obnoxious and rude as soon as they touch one? is it like kryptonite to good manners? I wonder.

I was recently in a shopping center in Monsey. We had sent off Big Sister and Lovey and me were alone for a day. ( More like 16 hours, but we take what we can get.) So we did what we always do on an off day, shop.

In this strip mall there is a lane for driving in front of the stores, and then double rows for parking. I am on the sidewalk in front of the stores and I see this woman loading her van. As she finishes, she pushes the cart in the vague direction of the sidewalk while she is still at the back of her minivan. The cart goes about 10 feet and stops on a rut in the road.

In the middle of the road.

The woman looks at the cart, and gets into her car.

I just stood there, amazed.


FBB said...

You should have said something. The reason people continue with their anti-social, self centered behavior is that no one calls them on it.

If no one complains, how is it wrong?

The world has become so anonymous, with people living in their own cocoons, they really don't know HOW to think beyond themselves.

Or they just don't care.

jill said...

very original title for a blog post.
or for a blog.....;-)