Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Square and level

I can't get over the liberals' naked power hunger. I felt it strongly in 1993 when the Clintons were hatching their nefarious health care reform proposals and feel it again as the same issue is being debated. This time it may be worse.

I recently heard a radio program which featured, as a guest, a Professor Gruber of MIT commenting on a new proposal by some in either congress or the administration ( I'm not sure which ) to tax employer provided health insurance as income to those who have superior health care plans. The proposal singles out plans where everything is completely covered, sort of a Cadillac of health insurance plans.

In the course of his comments, Dr. Gruber opined that surely excessive health care coverage should be taxed because americans are getting too much health care and also because the third party payment system encourages a lack of financial responsibility (presumably to other citizens) by not involving the receiver of health care in the decision to use what health care is available. He felt that people should have to think twice or more before availaing themselves of a doctor or hospital. In short, and the moderator caught him out on this but he sidestepped the question, it seems he was for rationing of health care. Or maybe he was a leveller and felt that everyone should suffer equally.

I wondered why, if he was advocating that everyone should have to weigh when and whether to see a doctor, he was championing health care reform in the first place. From what I have heard, it is just the necessity for the 46 million un or underinsured to have to make such decisions which is the reason healthcare cries out for reform.

You would think a professor from MIT would be able to discern such a tautology.

Many years ago, before most of you were born, there was a radio program called "The Shadow," which featured a debonair man-about-town who, while in the East, had learned the secret to the power to "cloud men's minds."

I think power hunger does the same thing.


Tormod Svergensen said...

I don't trust the liberals either. Especially the ones who hunger for naked power.

Perhaps naked power causes a smaller carbon footprint than does the burning of fossil fuels.

jill said...

naked power is very untznius