Monday, July 20, 2009

We're in second, and MOVING UP!!

I don't believe that competition among family is right or necessarily healthy. I think that you should love your family without limitation, and should always be happy for all their successes.


We here at the Soup are happy to announce that we have passed a secret blog of a family member in hits. This could be because we actually post from time to time, and the other blog has been curiously silent ( a shame) , or it could be that we have two different contributors, or it could be that the people running the blog are just going back to the page again and again to pump up the numbers. ( vehement denial)

Nevertheless, we are thrilled that we have managed to achieve this result, considering our counter went up later, and started at a lower number. Now we are hot on the trail of another one, and only have about 3,500 hits to make up.

Stay tuned, and keep checking back for updates.

many, many times.


jill said...

why are you fixating on some dumb secret blog? probably no one reads it, anyway. and what's the point of being secret? get on with your regular funny posts

Stuart said...

We may be second but we try harder

lizardk said...

i bet you set your web homepage to your blog so every time you open the internet you get another hit on your counter

so it doesn't really count

anonymous female relative said...

who has 3500 hits?