Thursday, March 26, 2009

Noisy Natter, Silent Spectator, and Grouchy Grump

I have a truly interesting extended family. I need to address this now, since I have put the blog address out there and they might be checking in to see what the good Doctor and Soupy have to say.

We are basically broken up into three groups, with some subsets. The first group are the Noisy Natterers. Extroverts, who are always on, and enjoy the spotlight. a subset of this are those who NEED, instead of just enjoy, the attention and constant affirmation therefrom.

The second group are the Silent Spectators. Those who are content to sit on the side and watch the show, but trust me, they have opinions, and if you hit the right buttons, they can blow you away with both their thoughts and the vehemence behind them. After all, they are all "Greunkerns".

The Third group are the Grouchy Grumps. This is a very proud group, that revels in their orneriness about the family and life in general. They even have hats! However, some are not as contrary as they like to pretend, and some of the other groups would fit in this one as well. Take me, for instance, I could be known as G., the Grouchy Grump Greunkern, or G4. A nice ring, I think.

All in all, an interesting bunch. I am truly blessed to be related to these people.


FBB said...

I really don't think any person can put themselves in any set category. I think that's something for others to do FOR them. So posters, where would YOU put the Good Doctor???

Anonymous said...

in a group of his own

G6 said...

OK -
So DH and I had a conference and we can't figure out which group we fall into!
(Maybe that's because the two of us don't fall into the SAME group)
Please advise so we know to behave (or not to) the next time we see you.
P.S. The ornery side of DH says that you're lucky he likes you ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry. What?