Tuesday, December 29, 2009

NPR and You

We recently ran some posts on the lack of comments to our other posts as well as to our lack of production. It seems we have been lax in not posting enough food for thought. When this blog began we posted almost one per day (excluding Saturday) but now we are down to about 2 per week.

I think the two issues are related. When we post a new work, the older work, which may not have yet been read by our loyal readership, takes a subordinate position and may not be read at all in the future. So, understandably, we are loath to publish until we feel that everyone has seen the previous post.

We have no other method to evaluate the popularity of our content other than by getting your feedback in the comments section. Nielsen is a possibility but the management here at Dr. G. cannot come up with the necessary funds to purchase their services. Maybe we should initiate a fund drive like the public radio stations do. On second thought, if we can't even get you to comment for free, I doubt we could get any money out of you skinflints.


beleydished said...

insulting your audience may be the wrong approach...

not beleydished said...

.. but it seems to have worked.

FBB said...


We have a CONTEST up, with PROOF of an actual real live t-shirt prize for this year, AND still no one comments!!! Go figure!