Friday, December 4, 2009

Calling all cowards

We received an anonymous comment on a piece I recently wrote about the citizens of Jerusalem. The comment was a nasty personal attack upon myself. In discussions with the good doctor, we decided not to publish the post.

Not that I mind criticism. What bothers me about it is that the writer is too cowardly to come out into the open and stand behind his opinions and his aggressive posture. I am fully capable of civilized debate and stand behind my own opinions. I can just as easily counter an opposing argument as I can concede that I am wrong. Despite what anyone may think, I come by my views largely by experience peppered with a slight bit of preconceived ideas but I know the difference between reason and emotion. I can give you a good exposition of the thought processes that shaped my stance on a particular issue and I welcome the chance to do so.

So if you would like to comment, by all means do so, but I need to know who you are. I am unwilling to fight with shadows.

1 comment:

big sis said...

I am pretty sure that if you would have published his comments, you would have received more comments, as well.

sensationalism and nastyism sells!