Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Face, or something else

There was a terrible tragedy in the neighborhood, where a tzadik and a hero lost his life helping to save a little boy. I was on the scene. At one point, I noticed some photographers, so I put up my hood to avoid the cameras.

However, there is a picture of me with two other members. It happens to be the photo link into the pictures of the event on one site. I received an inquiry from a relative in Chicago questioning whether the guy in the middle was me. I went to look at it. It shows me from the back, sagging pants and all. He claims that he could identify me by my stance. It was nice of him to say so.

I was not really happy to be part of the pictorial recording of the horrible event, but that is life. Until i saw the brochure that they put together to raise funds for the family ( here is the link to donate). In the flyer that will go out to the community, there is that same picture. (I think they used it because it is the least offensive of all the pics, but that is for another time.)

So I see now that I am the tush of the organization.

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