Friday, August 5, 2011

Just Asking

Little bit of politics, especially the double standard.

i read in the paper that Al Sharpton got all huffy with Pat Buchanan for referencing our Dear Leader as "your boy", meaning, obviously, that Sharpton supports him. Buchanan, whatever else you feel about him, rightly refuses to apologize for the deliberate misunderstanding on the part of the rabblerouser. The paper noted that it was uncomfortable, because Buchanan was sitting next to someone just back from a suspension for "insulting the president" on MSNBC.

My only thought on this was that for eight years, the left wing liberals called the President the most horrific names constantly, and belittled him mercilessly. Without any ramifications whatsoever.

When did the first amendment stop applying to comments about Black Democrats?

1 comment:

Dipsy said...

there is of course a media double standard. But it is politcally incorrect to say so.