Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Karl Marx Lives at Iceberg-Carwash

Our friends over at Iceberg Carwash have gone, unfortunately, Red. I couldn't believe that these staunch supporters of the capitalist ethic should suddenly veer of the road into the mire of socialist thinking. And not just the writers of the blog but even some of their loyal followers have suddenly confessed to heretical thoughts and long held left-wing opinions.

This is tragic.

Essentially as you can see from the blog post to which I refer they are proposing that social security be paid into by everyone but its purpose would be to benefit only those who need it, based on the old communist motto "From each according to his ability, to each according to his means." Even worse, they propose to confiscate the monies already paid to the system in the belief it would be for the contributors' retirement and convert the pension plan, with a guaranteed payout, into an insurance plan for those whose wealth has diminished. Also, since social security is now, and in order to be effective would have to continue to be, involuntary, this scheme would follow the precedent of that most unamerican piece of current legislation, Obamacare. If you didn't like that, you certainly won't like this. This is no different from the collectivisation and murder of the Kulaks in 1930's Russia.

I am disapointed that such a level-headed, family-minded blog shoud suddenly swerve off the rails. What are they smoking?

I suggest that all my loyal readers voice their protest at the comments section of Iceberg-Carwash's post. Click HERE to easily access the comments. Tell them what you think, maybe we can right the wagon!


FBB said...


I truly believe that it is more intellectually honest to weigh each issue individually and how you really feel about it, as opposed to how it seems from party lines. There is no question that many failed doctrines may have elements within them that do in fact make sense. Just because they are part of a larger manifesto that is wrong, immoral and corrupt should not necessarily consign certain individual elements to the ash heap of history.

Name Withheld Upon Request said...

Not wishing to get into a personal issue, I nevertheless must confess that I have felt that the F part of the Carwash's has been leaning left for quite some time, causing me to wonder where she grew up, and in what kind of family.

Dipsy said...

I do feel that Social security needs reform and I don't like the government involved in any aspect of our lives. I never really understood medicare (thanks MBB) in the first place because if you can afford it why have the government run your healthcare and if you can't afford it just have medicaid continue into old age. Anywhere we have government and bureaucracy running things it wont be as good as in the private sector and that of course holds true for peoples pensions (& healthcare) but you can't opt out of Social Security so how do you grandfather the system while also reforming it?

FBB said...

NAme witheld, I know who you are!

Name Withheld Upon Request said...

I remember when I was younger, someone hurling the worst epithet they could think of that would do the most damage to the hurlee. The second part was "communist". I am just waiting for it to come out here.....

FBB said...

The first part was communist...

Name Withheld Upon Request said...

correct. as usual.