Monday, August 1, 2011

Requiem for a Fish

A month in theory, days in fact, forever in our hearts.

Alas, the (sort of ) expected happened, Fluffy, after physically gracing our lives for all of five days, has gone on to her great reward in the giant fish tank in the sky.

Although her life expectancy prior to her joining our home was not really anticipated to be much longer ( feeder fish, by definition, are only supposed to last until they become lunch), we were still saddened to return to the house Friday afternoon to find Fluffy floating lifeless in her bowl. She had appeared fine Friday morning, swimming happily to and fro. However, I had noticed signs of illness from the day we purchased her, and felt a trip to the vet or a host of chemicals to save her would be a bit much for a sixty four cent fish. I had hoped that food, clean water and love would prolong her life, but it was not to be.

So with a heavy heart, I performed the usual get-rid -of -dead goldfish ritual, which involves solemn carrying of the bowl, taps, and flushing.

Although it is no consolation for our bereft hearts, we happen to be Beta-sitting Jack for the summer, Stretchs' beta, who we are caring for while he is away. We hope he has a better outcome than dear Fluffy.

Goodbye Fluffy, we shall always remember you.


FBB said...

the great thing about fish, and you can do this with the Betta, is if it dies? you can replace it, your son will never know the difference!

big sis said...

maybe Fluffy died because Fluffy thought he was a fluffy animal and therefor died cuz he drowned cuz most fluffy animals live OUT of water

Dipsy said...

who/what is beta? another fish or another animal? and who is jack?

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

Jack is the name of Stretch's Beta, a kind of fish, that we are Beta-sitting for him while he is away at camp.

soupeater said...

beta splendens are too expensive to just replace when things go bad. I suggest you feed the fish. It goes a long way to keeping them alive

big sis said...

Fish are stupid pets who do nothing but swim around all day and make the water cloudy.


FBB said...

They can cost as much as $30, but they also have them for as low as $3, and I'm betting that this one is probably in the $3-$9 range. (my money's on the low end)