Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Important Activities

I was reading one of the Jewish newspapers the other day and came upon this piece in the News sections from different neighborhoods. The article mentioned that a certain leader of a small sect in some town in the Netherlands was going on holiday in Switzerland, and before he went, he had a Tish, spoke about the importance of learning, and gave out cake. This was accompanied further along in the paper in the pictures of notable events section with a picture of some plates of cake, (no picture of the ditributor of the goodies) and the heading, that this was the cake given out as mentioned in the previous article.

So lets see, a guy goes on vacation, has a little goodbye party for his friends and gives them cake.



FBB said...

Why do you hate Chasidim?

Dr. G. W. Greunkern said...

This has nothing to do with Chasidim. I don't begrudge anyone a party, a speech, or certainly cake.

My issue is with the morons who find this newsworthy enough to waste space on reporting it.

The next time I have dinner with dessert, I think I will send it in to the papers as an item to report on.

fil said...

Do send us a picture of the cake!

FBB said...

If someone does not read TMZ or Radar online, or read the NY Post- how will he get the latest news about celebrities. I have said many times, that the "celebrity culture" is very pervasive, and if you don't follow actors, actresses, heiress and other assorted low lifes you will follow wealthy people and Rebbes. It's no different. Think of it as the Jewish World's "Page six," maybe we can even give it a name "The Sixth book." That way there is a place to follow the doings and comings and goings of all your favorite Rebbes, Rabbis, Askanim, and marginally well known people!

(As far as picture of the cake-there are Rebbes that are makpid not to be photographed)

big sis said...

fbb you are so right.

I was in camp today and one of the Gdolei Hador came to visit his son. people were hanging around him. some asked to have their son's picture taken with him. people gently jostling to get a look or an introduction to him...